Prescott Guide discusses the statue of Buckey O'Neill at the Courthouse Plaza in Prescott
Prescott Guide continues to introduce locals and visitors to Prescott’s wealth of history including a remarkable statue of Buckey O’Neill sculpted by famed artist Solon Borglum. His memorial to Buckey O'Neill and the Rough Riders proudly stands on the stately grounds of the Yavapai County Courthouse in downtown Prescott, Arizona.
Yavapai County was one of three counties established the original Arizona Territory in 1863. Prescott became the territory’s first capital. The original courthouse was built in 1878 followed by the current structure built in 1916 which has become the focus of Prescott's beautiful plaza known to locals as 'The Square'.
In front of the Yavapai County Courthouse visitors and locals have long admired the Captain William Owen “Buckey” O'Neill Rough Rider memorial monument.
Buckey O'Neill, former Yavapai County Sheriff and Mayor of Prescott is counted among the treasured local figures in Prescott's history. Ultimately he held the position of Captain in Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt's infamous volunteer Cavalry, the legendary Rough Riders as they served the United States in the Spanish-American War. Every American history buff is familiar with the Rough Riders fabled charge up San Juan Hill and, tragically, it was during that campaign that Captain O'Neill was killed in 1898.
Not long afterwards, to honor O'Neill and his service, a Prescott planning committee sought out sculptor Solon Borglum to design a memorial. Borglum was the brother of famed Gutzon Borglum, artist and sculptor of South Dakota's Mt. Rushmore. Despite being Gutzon's younger brother, Solon was not without his own well-established and impressive credentials.
Agreeing to the memorial Solon visited Prescott to personally choose from among the surrounding hills, a 28-ton boulder to act as the pedestal for O'Neill's statue. In 1906, the project was commissioned and after having the bronze cast in New York City it was returned by rail to its home in Prescott and unveiled July 3, 1907.
So pleased was President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt that Solon Borglum received a personal congratulatory letter from him as well as the national acclamation his statue honoring O'Neill garnered.
Prescott Guide loves acquainting people with Prescott's famed history and local legends. For more information about Prescott's local heroes, history and all that Prescott has to offer, visit Prescott Guide at
Yavapai County was one of three counties established the original Arizona Territory in 1863. Prescott became the territory’s first capital. The original courthouse was built in 1878 followed by the current structure built in 1916 which has become the focus of Prescott's beautiful plaza known to locals as 'The Square'.
In front of the Yavapai County Courthouse visitors and locals have long admired the Captain William Owen “Buckey” O'Neill Rough Rider memorial monument.
Buckey O'Neill, former Yavapai County Sheriff and Mayor of Prescott is counted among the treasured local figures in Prescott's history. Ultimately he held the position of Captain in Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt's infamous volunteer Cavalry, the legendary Rough Riders as they served the United States in the Spanish-American War. Every American history buff is familiar with the Rough Riders fabled charge up San Juan Hill and, tragically, it was during that campaign that Captain O'Neill was killed in 1898.
Not long afterwards, to honor O'Neill and his service, a Prescott planning committee sought out sculptor Solon Borglum to design a memorial. Borglum was the brother of famed Gutzon Borglum, artist and sculptor of South Dakota's Mt. Rushmore. Despite being Gutzon's younger brother, Solon was not without his own well-established and impressive credentials.
Agreeing to the memorial Solon visited Prescott to personally choose from among the surrounding hills, a 28-ton boulder to act as the pedestal for O'Neill's statue. In 1906, the project was commissioned and after having the bronze cast in New York City it was returned by rail to its home in Prescott and unveiled July 3, 1907.
So pleased was President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt that Solon Borglum received a personal congratulatory letter from him as well as the national acclamation his statue honoring O'Neill garnered.
Prescott Guide loves acquainting people with Prescott's famed history and local legends. For more information about Prescott's local heroes, history and all that Prescott has to offer, visit Prescott Guide at